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Starting in September, and then periodically after that, we will have Instructed Eucharists during our worship on Sunday morning. This will consist of the regular Eucharist service accompanied by a narrator telling us the story of why we do what we do within this profound act of worship. Our first attempt at this will be on September 15.

Starting on September 22, Phil Wright will begin to guide anyone interested in learning about and engaging in the Spiritual Practice of Centering Prayer. This will take place on Sunday mornings at 9:00 am in the church hall.

Also starting on September 22, during the morning service one Sunday each month, we will begin to offer Sacramental Healing Prayer with Anointing with Oil and the Laying on of Hands as a regular part of the liturgy. Most months, this will happen on the third Sunday of the month.

Fast Before the Feast will be an opportunity to highlight the integrity of the Daily Office (Morning Prayer, Evening Prayer, etc.) The idea is to schedule Morning Prayer on Sundays before a feast Sunday. We would have a Eucharistic Fast the week before we celebrate Eucharist on a feast day. I am planning to partner with lay leaders on these Sundays. One of us will lead and the other will preach. Our first opportunity to try this will be on the Sunday before Thanksgiving weekend.

The Delta Course - Brandon Stutheit has been developing a course to help millennials and other younger generations reclaim their faith. He believes that the Anglican Church has much to offer those who feel disenfranchised because of elements of growing up in evangelical culture. The course is called Delta. This is both a play on The Alpha Course, and the Greek letter "delta" being the symbol for "change" in scientific and mathematical equations. He is planning to offer the multi week course on a weekly basis starting this Fall.

Brother Michael is planning to start hosting Newcomer's Dinners to help us to better connect with all the new people who have been checking us out and joining us. If you feel your gift of hospitality stirring within you as you read this you might want to have a conversation with Brother Michael.

And a big thank you to Hannah Vander Roest (Wygiera) who has stepped up to manage our social media so that we now have a regular presence on Facebook and Instagram.
