1. A series for Lent entitled 'Living into God's Dream' is being presented by Alongside Hope (formerly PWRDF). It will weave together scripture, reflection and prayer. You will receive an email each day with a meditation for that day. Enrolment is free and this is the link to get more information and to access it. https://pwrdf.org/alongsidehopeLent2025/
2. Lenten Resource from The Mustard Seed. This is the link to download it: https://mustardseed.my.salesforce.com/sfc/p/#36000000bvjx/a/OL000008r7d3/hHGvKS7B_9p2CQAS9OIpNZ3ZPcVt4VoGaz1CTOoRQWs
3. The Spirituality of Connection: From Acorn to Oak Connect with others in learning about a method of prayer and action that will aid in your daily encounters with people.
Thursday Evenings from March 6 to April 10 on Zoom, 7 -8:30pm
• A Lenten course offered by the Diocese of Calgary, with input from Michael Harvey, creator of the Acorn programme
• This course is for everyone, whether you are familiar with Acorn or new to it.
• The sessions will include, teaching, scripture, prayer, story telling and sharing. It is meant to be interactive
• No charge
To register, contact blabrecque@calgary.anglican.ca and you will receive the link.
Acorn is a movement that seeks to connect Christians with the work God is doing in others through caring conversation. Acorn does this through missional discipleship, by involving some Christian friends and sending them out to try the acronym A-C-O-R-N;
Ask – ‘Lord, is there anyone beyond the church You want me to connect with today?’
When God Calls and reveals a person for us to get alongside,
we simply Obey and follow through by contacting them in any way appropriate.
We then just ask the person “How are you?” God is already there, with the other. Our job is to find out what God is doing and join God in that conversation. God then reveals deeper hurts, desires and opening for the Gospel.
Christians then frequently gather to disciple and encourage each other by;
Reporting what God has been doing in and through them, and by
Noticing together what God is up to and doing in the other person.
Christians are then encouraged to mentor other Christian friends in this way of life.